fruit, effective weapon... #AnzishaEffect

Publié le par Congo Fresh

kivu mango
kivu mango

fruit, effective weapon to combat malnutrition, drug addiction.
the result, an asset to the business, a natural raw material.

it's going to make a few years that we work hard to succeed in the business of processing agricultural products, including the production and distribution of fruit juice we call "congo fresh". Based in Bukavu, we faison our best to serve our customers with our juice at an affordable price is less than $ 1 a bottle of juice.

South Kivu, a region where we are based is a malnutrition rate of 43%! a result which we call controversy when seen agrarian potential of our area in particular and our country in general.
the rate of alcohol and drug abuse have not been measured but are alarmed just by observing eye.

one secret: the transformation of fruit juice for a purpose: Therapeutic, energetics, refreshing.

the remedy: freshness, proximity and accessibility for all !!!
That's for you "Congo fresh" !!!


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